A Global Movement: The World Unites in a Pink Pledge for Clean and Sustainable Water

Schermafbeelding 2024 07 10 om 08 37 33

5,000 participants. 32 countries. €30,000 funds raised. And that's just the beginning.

Picture this: One step that sends ripples across the globe, transforming lives and creating waves of change. You might wonder, how can such a simple action for most of us have such a profound impact?

5,000 participants. 32 countries. €30,000 funds raised. And that's just the beginning.

Picture this: One step that sends ripples across the globe, transforming lives and creating waves of change. You might wonder, how can such a simple action for most of us have such a profound impact?

The echoes of the joyful footsteps from the BWT RUN FOR YOU AND PLANET BLUE movement are still reverberating. From Sweden to New Zealand and everywhere in between, around 5,000 changemakers from 32 countries joined the run and collectively covered a whopping 30,000 kilometers. Among these passionate participants, the Living Tomorrow community made a significant impact, contributing their passion and dedication to this meaningful race. It was a global celebration of positive change and the overwhelming power of unity when people come together for a common purpose.

While many of us have the convenience of clean water at the turn of a tap, more than 2 billion people worldwide lack access to clean drinking water. According to the UN, 500 million of these individuals live in Africa. BWT (Best Water Technology), Europe’s market leader in water treatment and a co-initiator of Living Tomorrow, is taking the lead in making a difference. The 6-kilometer Run For You and Planet Blue by BWT raised awareness of the struggles many face in accessing clean drinking water. There’s more to it: they ran those 6 kilometers with purpose and meaning. For every participant, BWT donated €6 to the b.waterMISSION, supporting efforts to provide access to clean water, particularly in The Gambia and Tanzania.

Drum roll, please! Together with incredible participants and supporters, BWT has raised €30,000 for the cause. This impressive sum will support sustainable access to safe drinking water in Africa.

The global pink vibes have touched many lives, and BWT is just getting started! With this success as their tailwind, they are paving the way to provide clean, safe drinking water to even more people. Stay tuned for more opportunities to make a positive global impact. Meanwhile, dive into the transformative power of technology and products that not only treat your water but also act as guardians of our planet. At the Living Tomorrow Innovation Campus, you’ll discover this immersive water experience - a living testament to the future of water - For You and Planet Blue.

Together, we can create waves of change. Join the pink movement.

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Together, we can create waves of change. Join the pink movement.

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