How can Artificial Intelligence make a difference in your daily life?
The main driver to take advantage of AI in business processes is to optimize a certain activity. But did you realise the implementation of these new technologies affects your life more than you can imagine?
The main driver to take advantage of AI in business processes is to optimize a certain activity. But did you realise the implementation of these new technologies affects your life more than you can imagine?
Did you know, in the mobility sector, different kinds of obstacles are prevented and optimized by using AI? Think about that every time you get stuck in a traffic jam. In Sweden, for example, every year, approximately 80000 kms of roads are analysed to detect road accidents, failures in road infrastructure or traffic flows.
Ever suffered from a sports injury? These can be prevented with the use of wearable and video technology. Data are collected during training, enabling coaches and doctors to identify the risk of developing injuries.
Surveillance cameras are increasingly often equipped with machine learning technology. This gives cameras the opportunity to analyse live video without any human intervention. That way, AI can not only be used for safety reasons, but also for the protection of materials and systems. For example: detecting birds on floating solar panels. Their droppings can cause a loss up to a 30% in solar production.
There is still some reluctance when it comes to the usage of robots on the work floor. This is why companies who provide automation services are now focusing on systems to support employees, instead of replacing them by robots. As such they use supportive systems which can be placed on the body. These systems support people who carry heavy loads as to protect their back.
Are you also looking for guidance in a future proof direction? We offer various sessions
to spark an innovation mindset at your company. By making your company aware of future trends and improving knowledge right at the core, we’ll make sure you are completely ready to anticipate on AI and other relevant driving forces of change.
Latest insights & stories
Waarom uw AI-project ook een dataproject is
AI heeft kwalitatieve data nodig om zijn volledige potentieel te benutten. Yashfeen Saiyid, Data & AI Practice Lead bij Proximus NXT, legt uit hoe u met een datagedreven benadering de fundamenten voor een succesvol AI-project legt.
“Het bedrijfsleven raakt almaar sterker doordrongen van toepassingen die gebaseerd zijn op artificiële intelligentie. De opmars van generatieve AI, met ChatGPT als uithangbord, zorgde de voorbije tijd voor een opvallende versnelling. Volgens Gartner zal zelfs 90% van de bedrijven in 2025 gebruikmaken van AI op de werkvloer”, begint Yashfeen Saiyid, Data & AI Practice Lead bij Proximus NXT en Managing Director bij Codit.
Vlaanderen telt 3 grote zeehavens, elk met hun eigen belangen en accenten: Port of Antwerp-Bruges, North Sea Port en de haven van Oostende. De Vlaamse havenstrategie wil de individuele strategieën van deze havens aanvullen en versterken. Maar daarvoor moeten we de krachten bundelen. Alleen zo kunnen we de uitdagingen voor de havens en de logistieke sector efficiënt aanpakken en oplossingen op maat creëren, ook voor Vlaanderen.
Wat betekent de NIS2-richtlijn voor uw onderneming?
Op 18 oktober 2024 treedt de NIS2-richtlijn in voege. Ondernemingen moeten passende maatregelen treffen om de cyberbeveiliging te waarborgen. Valéry Vander Geeten van het CCB en Bart Callens van Proximus NXT leggen uit welke voorbereidingen u best maakt.