Living Tomorrow cooks up new room ‘Chef’s Table’

Fine dining while meeting in an innovative culinary setting? Living Tomorrow takes your business meeting to a whole new level with Chef’s Table, a unique experience of an exclusive setting and show cooking in the kitchen of the future.
Fine dining while meeting in an innovative culinary setting? Living Tomorrow takes your business meeting to a whole new level with Chef’s Table, a unique experience of an exclusive setting and show cooking in the kitchen of the future.
Fine dining while meeting in an innovative culinary setting? Living Tomorrow takes your business meeting to a whole new level with Chef’s Table, a unique experience of an exclusive setting and show cooking in the kitchen of the future.
Living Tomorrow is – evidently - all about the future. About the way will live, work and yes … how we will cook! What innovations can we expect in the kitchen of tomorrow? In the new Innovation Campus, Chef’s Table will be an absolute eyecatcher, but a sneak preview can already be discovered in the revamped kitchen of Living Tomorrow today.
Chef’s Table is perfect for those who wish to host a more ‘personal’ business meeting. You will have the comfort of a smaller room, equipped with different demo integrations. In addition, all the technical support for hosting an effective meeting is naturally in place, such as beamer, LED screen, free wifi and all necessary office tools and supplies.
Show cooking on the menu
But the real treat of Chef’s Table is undoubtedly the option to have top chef Marc Clement cook for you during a live show cooking session with the most innovative techniques and insights. In other words, Chef’s Table is a meeting room, demo zone and show cooking space all in one.
What can be discovered now?
You don’t have to wait for the completion of the new Innovation Campus to catch a glimpse of the kitchen of tomorrow. At Living Tomorrow, the Chef’s Table kitchen – with a kitchen island designed by British architect Zaha Hadid - features renowned brands like Miele, hansgrohe, Mirage4D, Forbo, AkzoNobel and AstraNova. What are their contributions to making life easier and giving you more comfort thanks to innovation?
- Miele: Dialog oven This oven goes into 'dialogue' with the food that is prepared in it. Meaning you can put all your ingredients together in the oven, turn the appliance on, and when the bell rings, all the ingredients will be perfectly cooked. The oven is equipped with WiFiConn@ct, allowing you to connect smart appliances to your network so that you can monitor and change parameters with the Miele app anytime, anywhere.
- Mirage4D: Spctr entertainment Holobox In the wall of the kitchen you can see the built-in entertainment Holobox called the Spctr. This intriguing entertainment system interprets images as a hologram. Now displayed in the home use kitchen, but certainly also perfect for companies in order to communicate with customers or potential customers.
- hansgrohe: innovative sink and faucet in the kitchen of the future, the environment is obviously also a key element. In addition to a stainless-steel sink guaranteeing a long service life, the kitchen faucet ensures highly efficient water use with different jets, tailored to the use of, for example, gently rinsing fruit or vegetables, and flat jets for washing up plates and bowls.
- AkzoNobel (Sikkens): Alpha Rezisto paint The Alpha Rezisto Easy Clean wall paint used in the kitchen had not yet been launched on the Belgian market, so this is really the premiere! The innovative Stain Shield Technology of the Alpha Rezisto Mat paint creates a permanent barrier that prevents dirt, grease, liquids and stains from penetrating the surface and discolouring the interior walls.
- Forbo flooring: Flotex Planks The Marble Flotex Planks collection is not a textile floor covering, but neither is it a flat resilient floor covering. Thanks to its unique dense fibre construction, it offers the best of both worlds: comfort and resilience. Flotex is the solution for covering floors where safety, hygiene and well-being are top priorities.
- AstraNova: timeless design unites local and international resources AstraNova provided the tabletop in local oak material (Bouillon region), combined with the table leg design by Italian brand Calligaris. Its innovative pointy design enabling it to support the oversized tabletop. The chairs showcase a timeless look with an innovative design for optimal seating comfort, made with modern materials and technologies.
The above are but a few highlights of the kitchen of tomorrow. An other innovation, among - among many others - is a nutrition assistant. In the future, foodies will be able to cook a dish with the leftovers in the fridge, assisted step by step. Moreover, the nutrition assistant also pays for the proactive prevention of food waste.

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