FARYS and De Watergroep set up joint subsidiary

14 Drop of water

FARYS|TMVW entered into a cooperation with De Watergroep at the end of March, in the form of a joint subsidiary Waterunie, for a climate-robust water supply.

FARYS|TMVW entered into a cooperation with De Watergroep at the end of March, in the form of a joint subsidiary Waterunie, for a climate-robust water supply.

Together with De Watergroep, FARYS|TMVW announced their intention in mid-2021 to work together to optimise the supply of water in their areas of operation. Both water companies are joining forces to respond to the challenges posed by climate change. To facilitate this cooperation, they set up a joint subsidiary called Waterunie, following approval from the Flemish government.

As part of their joint approach to develop a future-oriented, sustainable, resilient, and efficient water policy, both water companies will henceforth pool all necessary resources for this purpose in nv Waterunie. Within Waterunie FARYS|TMVW and De Watergroep work together in 4 areas:

  • (automation of) monitoring and control of the water network
  • optimisation of storage capacity
  • optimising the mutual purchase and sale of water
  • coordinating investments.

Waterunie's sole purpose is to coordinate the proposed cooperation projects of both partners in order to achieve operational, financial and policy added value. It does not house any assets, staff, or operational activities. The governing bodies for the management of the joint subsidiary will be kept to a strict minimum.

Christophe Peeters, Chairman of nv Waterunie: "The name Waterunie came from the employees of both partners, who responded enthusiastically to our request to come up with an appropriate name for our subsidiary. A name that accurately reflects what both companies are aiming for. It fully reflects how our people are committed to the opportunities and possibilities that a joint, reinforcing approach provides to give the best possible solution to the water supply challenges we face in our region."

Brecht Vermeulen, Chairman De Watergroep: "When you see how the supply areas of FARYS|TMVW and De Watergroep are completely intertwined, it is clear that our cooperation within Waterunie will allow us to work more efficiently and effectively towards a climate resilient water supply. We use our complementary strengths to do this: at

De Watergroep we have a large and diversified production capacity, while FARYS|TMVW has a unique transport capacity."

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